Friday 23 January 2009

Green - the new pink?

Ok, you know the drill - Friday evening, every minute seems to stretch forever and you have no mood to work but you can't leave the office just yet.

That's my exact predicament.

So here I am, hoping that blogging will keep me occupied and make the time move faster.

Right now I have two items on my workstation that Lilo and Nemo are both gonna yell "PINK!!" in unison when they see it. (FYI Pink is the term we use to refer to anything i.e. clothing, behavior, fashion sense, body language that is girlish. And girlish here not necessarily being a good thing.)

And although I know both of you think I'm the "pinkest", I swear, I'm not responsible for these two items. The first being my frog thingie that I got at a random gift exchange at the office.

He's my wrist rest for when I use my mouse. And when I'm aggitated and need an outlet, he's the perfect victim - he's very squeezeable. Ironically my frog thingie was a gift from my manager.

The second item, it's only temporary because it belongs to this workstation here in Jakarta. I don't have one of this in KL. It's a Sansevieria.

A plant =). When I took over this workstation temporarily, this plant was there looking half dead. So I've been watering it and it looks better than a week ago. At least I can say I'm doing my part for the environment ;)

And hey, whad do ya know, it's now officially time to go back and to start the weekend!



Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, but just on Wednesday i saw the same froggie wrist rest in Memory Lane and was thinking to get it.. but it was diff color.. hehe..


Anonymous said...

y am i not surprised? :p (u gals should be called, pinkies united!) :p :p


Pink Scalers said...

I think Nemo was thinking to get the pink one ;) Notice how she didn't specify the colour? ;)