Tuesday 21 October 2008

When beauty isn't enough ....

Beauty or brains? I think its the beauty that attracts in the first place but the brains/personality make the difference between staying and leaving. But what if you're like most people who may have a great personality but don't have the looks to match. It doesn't take a genius to guess you might not be getting as much attention from the opposite sex as you like. And you can't blame them can you, because you do the same to them;)

I remember during my university days, there was this guy that looked like a Greek God to us. I'm sure we all had a crush on him, some more serious than others- well except the ones with bad taste in men, were blind or lesbians. Lilo and myself used to practicaly drool over him but from a distance of course - we were too snobbish to make the first move and go talk to him. Anyway, we didn't need to because Lilo, being quite a looker herself (I know you're going to kill me for saying this, but accept the fact:P) soon attracted his attention and both of them became friends. Well I'm sure Mr. Hunky Greek God was hoping to be more than friends but sadly, his good looks just didn't match his personality. We demoted him from Mr. Hunky Greek God to Mr. Cheap & Transparent.

Than there was another guy in university, he was probably one of the first guys me and my friends talked to. He was quite good looking I suppose and there were some girls with wild crushes on him. He seemed like a real catch at the begining but it didn't take long for us to label him as Mr. Vain. There's even a song that describes him so well - "You don't impress me much" by Shania Twain.

Of course there were also those guys with looks as bad as their personality, and vice versa. In fact, we had more of those than we'd like. In the interest of giving them the benefit of the doubt, we attempted to be their friends but nah-ah, that went down rather badly. There was a mousy looking guy that thought he could impress me by bragging about the days he used to steal from the grocery shop he worked part time at. What a turn off! Another who showed Lilo his SPM results certificate and gave her a blue rose thinking that would impress her, hoping to win her heart and conviniently forgetting he had a girlfriend. Like, what the ??

So, for me, beauty or brains? Brains definitely comes out tops but I also need to be able to look at you everyday without thinking, "yikes, what did the cat drag in this time??"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lilo, you definitely attrack the BEST of them! Keep it up...