Monday 7 April 2008

The Kind of Friends I Have... (part II)

Category 2: the “could have been best friends but ...”

Surprisingly 2 friends from the opposite gender makes the cut for this category.

One is a really cool, very mysterious, sarcastic ‘macho-istic’ man-jerk that I recently got to know. He is one person I can chat with for hours and never get bored. This very same person also is capable of unleashing the fury in me for all sort of inane things (which btw, I thought I had my temper under control once I broke up but then I realize it just went ‘underground’ for a while till another male-jerk emerged)

Yes, this guy is a jerk truly. But why I still consider him a friend and truly like him is because he makes no excuses for being one. He doesn’t pretend nor apologizes nor sugarcoats his words or try to console when you sulk.

It pisses me off when I come across people like this but then I realize that’s what he is. He is the epitome of “I am what I am, and I can’t care less what others think of me”. And here’s the best part, he is like that even with his own gf. So no pretence there :)
I greatly admire people with such a kick-a** confidence such as this person.

A note to myself: i have to end my 1.5 month long feud with him today by swallowing my pride (sob,sob) and making the 1st move to talk :P

Moving on, the next guy is not really a man-jerk, but a nice man. We are not really best of friends though. He is one person I missed out the chance of getting to know better when I could have. Being immature, years back for some rather inane thing, I got really pissed with him and for a over a year we didn’t communicate (well not properly anyways).

And when we finally did, it was more of a casual-far away kind of camaraderie. Over the years, we both have somewhat redeemed ourselves (more on my end I guess :P) and sometime last year I got a text after our phone conversation that said “I wished we got along like this earlier. Never knew I could talk to you for things like this etc…”

I can’t really recall the exact text he sent, but that was basically the gist of it. Made me feel stupid for sure but also all warm and fuzzy to know I’m not the only one thinking I lost out on a best pal. :)


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