Wednesday 12 October 2011

Lunch Crazies

Mr Silent: He rarely says a word, but when he does it's too mumble something intelligible. He makes up for his reserved nature with his maniac driving skills. His car looks all beat up and abused although it's hardly 3 years old.  

Mr IT: One of the IT guys in the office. He's short, dark skinned with spiky blond hair and he wears a pair of "guy" earrings. He once was trying out a hacking tool at work and managed to cause a virus attack alert for all the company employees in Malaysia. No biggie - only about 700 of us ;p

Ms Vege: A vegetarian since birth, she's gotta be one of the most tensed up people at work I've ever met. Almost everything at work is urgent and highly stressful and she has no qualms about shouting at the customer. However, outside of work, she's fun, boisterous and knows how to have a good laugh. It's like she has a split personality!

Mr Metro: Either he's metrosexual or gay, I can't tell 'cause I'm just observing from his dressing and mannerisms. It doesn't matter anyway, because of all the guys, he's the only one I can have a sane, light hearted, intelligent conversation with.

Mr Philosophy: Or maybe I should call him Mr Smarty Pants since he'll be getting his IR pretty soon. Conversations with him usually require a higher level of understanding and he can pull out random facts or quotes from his head like "mankind's brain is like a monkey that is drunk and has been bitten by a scorpion". Say what??

Mr Scotland: The only conversation he can have is about his stint in Scotland as a grad student. No matter what everyone else is talking about, he has a uncanny ability to drop something - anything! -about Scotland in the conversation; the scenery is gorgeous, the weather is wonderful, the kilt is so macho (eerkkss!), the bread doesn't upset his stomach and on and on he goes. But get this, he's a pure Indian vegetarian (as in he doesn't like any other food except Indian food), he's only traveled within 3 hours of KL, he doesn't drink or smoke, bald and he's been single all his life. I get very annoyed over the fact that he has never bothered to explore his own country and sample the abundance of cuisine we have here, yet dare to diss it and glorify Scotland (hey, I have nothing against Scotland, it's a beautiful country!).


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