Thursday 11 February 2010


It was already an hour past heavy traffic hours, but cars were moving rather slowly that day. It took forever for the traffic light to turn green. I was deep into thoughts, sitting behind my wheels; when I was awaken by this impatient guy on a motorcycle, vrooming away. Then I realised he was probably annoyed that there weren’t any space for him to squeeze in his bike.

With heavy hands, I swung my red Suzuki steering to the side and looked up with “you-may-go-now-look” on my face. He winked at me; before speeding his bike away. He was the first person to put a smile on my face that day. He caught me by surprise. Smile. And for the record, he was actually cute. Smile.

Immediately, I straightened my posture, placed both my hands on the steering wheel, and was excitedly looking at the light turning green when I heard the noise. It was a loud bang noise; made my stomach cringe.

Cars started moving slower than before, than I saw a group of people crowding right in front. Being extremely curious, I drove as slowly as possible looking out my car window. Then my heart went crashing. That guy; the same guy who winked at me a few second ago was lying flat on the road while a Samaritan hammering is heart. It was just like the scene I watched in Grey’s Anatomy. Waking up from what seemed like a dream, I realised, a police car from the opposite direction have rammed into the bike.

Damn. Why must life be so uncertain? One minute, a stranger out of the blue makes you smile. Next minute, he’s lying on the ground fighting for his life.

This is still surreal to me. I wonder if he made it. I said a prayer for him before I went to sleep last night. Sigh.

By: Lilo

P/S: Does this sound like a story? I want to write a book someday, so I am trying. But no, this isn't a strory. It happened just yesterday.


Anonymous said...

That's creepy and sad at the same time babe :( -Anya-

Anonymous said...

goodness! so didnt expect that ending.. :(
hope he survives..


Lilo said...

so the drama kan? sigh...