Friday 13 November 2009

Uniquely Jakarta

I'm a nomad again. This time in Jakarta, Indonesia. It's my third time here but the city is still the same - large, sprawling, smoggy and horrendous traffic jams. But still, I would rather be here than in Dhaka anyday!

I've been meaning to post this blog about a few things that I think I'll never find in Malaysia but I haven't had the time until now, a month since I've arrived!

Firstly is of course earthquakes. Well, I haven't personally experienced it - thank God and neither do I want to. But this notice was stuck behind my apartment door:

I don't suppose the person who stuck this on my 16th floor unit inside my 29 floor building realised that it's not a one-storey school building. So I don't see how hiding under a table is going to help me!

That's Mee Tek Tek. I've had it for lunch a few times and it's quite nice. Tek Tek in Malay means breasts. However, I don't think it means the same in Indonesian because it's pretty much a vegetarian dish.

That one is Sup Buntut. If I were to directly translate it to English, it would simply mean Butt Soup. It's not as exotic as the name implies. It's just Ox Tail Soup.



Lilo said...

oi, "Tek Tek" does not mean breast in Malay! which school did u go to? :p

Pink Scalers said...

actualy its buah dada hehe.. but slang word, tetek.. not TekTek hehe but yeah, get what u mean ;)
as for sup buntut, we have it here as well. adabi have it packaged even. again, another slang word for punggung (or pantat in indon).
it is usually spelled bontot if in msia.


Anonymous said...

tetek - tektek, tom'e'to - tom'a'to;) and as far as i recall, sup buntut was known as sup ekor m'sia..didn't know they now changed the name to buntut! haha ...

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, u are right. it is sup ekor.
the adabi one is called sup bunjut.
i got it mixed up.

Anonymous said...

lilo, you were one super innocent and serious kid in school (i know- i have witnesses)hehe..explains why u don't know what tetek means;) -A-