Tuesday 17 November 2009

After a long hiatus, nemo writes...

Warning! Just another emo rant. u'll be bored.

Title: Things i want to try to achieve in 2010

i want to try and 'attempt' to pray more and meditate more
i want to sit still & smile more (ketut liyer style) - to find 'peace'
i want to get an awesome car (2nd hand or new, i haven't decided yet.. )
i want to try be vegan at least twice a week and eat less meat
i will try to lessen my carbon footprint more next year !! (fyi, i've been starting on this since years ago but this year i got more aggresive and have achieved somewhat tangible results.. yes, i lecture my mum each time for taking plastic bag from the stores.. and my colleagues for taking them from the cafe in office.. when i shop, i usualy put them in 1 plastic bag if i can help it or put the tiny ones in my handbag..been practising this for a while now.. and in office, i re-use plastic bags until i tear them out (happened twice) and i use paper very minimal..print on both sides, i try to walk more to lunch places, i pack food from home VERY often too, i throw my perfume bottles, plastic bottles in the right containers for this past 1 year, have been donating my old clothes in the charity bins, i lecture my family for using air cond and i never use unless its necessary etc)
oh did i mention about my job? oh yes, i will try to be more good at it and try to lessen the stress :P not sure how but i'll figure that out soon.


1 comment:

Lilo said...

do let me know when u figure out the last one babe!