Monday 10 November 2008

Dial M for Marriage $#%^&^!!

Reason i blogged today is because i was completely taken aback by an impromptu call by my Mother just few minutes ago.. another M word.. hmm, ironic :P

So she calls up and the conversation goes on something like this:

Mom: ******, are you busy?
Margie: Not really.. wrapping things up.. why?
i was thinking she either wanted to scold me somemore on behalf of her darling daughter (my elder sister) or remind me about something..

Mom: So listen, your dad just called and he asked to ask you... there is this guy, working in California.. you want to meet?

Margie: For what?
Mom: For marriage lah! Some more for what :P

Margie: Why ask me? Go ask ***** (elder unmarried sister rotting in the house)
Mom: Coz she doesn't want to go overseas.
Why of course, she loves being my mom's darling pet too much :P

Mom: and since you always like going overseas, i thought you would be interested...
And Margie thinks, shit! how did she get the wind of my master P***

Margie: No mom, im not interested. If i want to go overseas, i'll go on my own.. i dont need to get married for that.

Mom: But he is down here.. Your dad thought you could meet up...
Margie: No. Im sure he is crop anyway..i want turbaned half German half Sikh guy.

Mom: Oh well.. where am i gonna find you a turbaned guy these days :(
Margie: Don't worry. I'll find myself, thank you.

End of conversation.

I felt bad.. but i had no choice.

Just yesterday, Margie and Lilo went to Snowflake's brothers wedding.. along the looooong journey to/fro, we discussed at LENGTH on M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E and M.O.T.H.E.R.S and annoying S.I.B.L.I.N.G.S...

In the end, we just felt depressed :P But a quick pit stop to a dear, hugely missed friend of ours back from Uni cheered us up... We miss you a lot Chu!!!! I long for the days when we used to lie down on the throw cushions and just yak and Chu will massage our hair or soothe us just by listening.. Sigh..

Ah well..

So Margie thinks her clock has started ticking.. :(
How is she gonna sustain 1X months more?? :(


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