Wednesday 8 September 2010


I, from the bottom of my heart, hate, hate and hate Public Display of Affection!! especially on Facebook...

It's like they desperately need the world to acknowledge their love for each other...

So there is this annoying couple on our facebooks... who must show everything they do to the world.. where they eat.. where they sleep, where they f*ck.. everything! Simply too much information..

But to be fair, they do entertain me from time to time... Like when I'm having a real bad day and desperately need a laugh, I know whose page I need to look for in my fb.. they never fail to amuse me... This is my findings today..

K: ur hand very long da
M: Bfwen: All the better sweetheart.. *wink wink*

K: ohw sexy laddu
M: Bfwen: all yours =)

K: mother and daughter... sweet!
M: Bfwen: mother, daughter & son-in-law also sweet!

K: nice dress lingg... ;)
M: tq lingg...

K: how do i like this pic?
M: Haha, no one can answer that but you bfwen..

K: hahaha!! I know what u're thinking
M: Hahahaha! My mouth sealed!

K: mantin swimming pool
M: We can go there again some day...

K: splendid pose!
M: Tired already bfwen ;) But still sempat pose..

Puking Lilo!


N.e.m.o said...

Good gawd!
How did they manage to turn her family vacay album into 'sleazy/puke-fest' ?

Lilo said...

Unlike the Midas Touch, M*na's Touch turns everything she touches to puke!

Anya said...

hahahhaha...classic! never fails to entertain us!! :)

Patsy Chong said...

eww. and totslly with you on that PDA thing, I ranted about it in one of my posts a couple of months back. IRRITATING!