Monday 6 September 2010


So I lied.. and paid the price :(

I needed to take Friday off from work due to some rescheduling in our Pg trip and of all days, that was a tough day to take off as I was supposed to deliver something important that day... But I really wanted to... So I lied...

I seriously gave it a lot of thought.. I didn't wanna say anything that would affect anyone.. I was very particular  about that.. Even consulted a few people on what would make a good lie...  I'm not a natural liar..

I should have just gone to clinic and fake an mc.. but no, I was stingy.. I didn't wanna waste my money... so I decided I wanted to take an emergency leave.. But I didn't wanna say anyone in my family were sick, I didn't wanna jinx them.. I didn't wanna use my car as a reason.. I had to drive to pg...

So the selfish me, of all lies, chose a life & death matter to lie about..  I said, someone died and I had to go for the funeral...

My tiny brain thought, that was very general.. I am not naming anyone, so that is fine.. no one was gonna die anyway just because I said that..

Little did I know...

So we left to Pg as planned, Friday morning.. Just when we landed on the Pg bridge, I received a call from my sobbing mom informing, my cousin passed away... The one in pg of all places... It was too much to be a coincidence...

So yeah, that ruined my vacation... mentally and emotionally... But I did have my share of fun "physically", will blog about that later..

But yeah, I cant get over this fact from my head.. its too much to be a coincidence.. but if it isn't a coincident, does that mean I have some kind of super power?

I do remember blaming myself 15 years ago, when I talked about my dad being admitted in a hospital and the next morning he was involved in a major accident and was hospitalised for a long time..

And I also still remember, how I wished for a blackout at the exam hall because I wasn't prepared and it really did happen... but to my unfortunate they didn't call the exam off but made us continue with poor lighting and everyone sweating... I'm sure my friends cursed me then...

So, as illogical as it sounds, is jinxing really true? or I am really a super hero?? hmm...

Wondering, Lilo!

p/s: shall I try telling my boss I want to resign because I won a lottery?


Anya said...

It's not your fault!! :( Although it was a freaky coincidence... but at the slight chance you do have super powers..can you 'jinx' me to have an all expense paid trip around the world? ;D

Lilo said...

u wish! :p but I'm sure I can jinx u to have 7 sons! lol...

Anya said...

no no ..that is for you ;) 3 sets of boy twins ;)

Anonymous said...

3 sets of boy twins only make 6..

Lilo said...

wow! u r a genius!!

Anonymous said...

:D cant help it. Born a genius.

Lilo said...

you wish!