Tuesday, 10 February 2009


V-Day - hate it or love it?

Hate it :
It's the one day in the whole year that just makes it glaringly obvious who's single and who's not. Last V-Day, Hitz.fm came up with their own version of a V-Day special and christened Feb 14 as Singles' Awareness Day (S.A.D). How ironic is that?

Years ago when I was at school (damn, it has really been years ago!), V-Day used to be a very very big deal. My school used to have all kinds of gift and flower delivery services during V-Day and I remember feeling little twinges of jealousy when all the popular girls used to get bouquets. Lucky I had good friends back than (read S.A.D) and we'd give each other gifts. In hindsight, I realise now it never really was about the giver but about the gift.

Another thing that pisses me off about V-Day is how the people that stand to benefit from it financially, manipulate the masses. Suddenly everything costs 3 times as much. One year, one of my good friends in university managed to get a real bargain price for a dozen roses for his girlfriend. Considering it was the day before V-Day, and he paid less than RM30 for those gorgeous blood red roses was a miracle! Anyway, he brought his roses to the florist to ask if they could make a nice bouquet, you know, with the nice wrappers and stuff. And they told him it'll cost him RM120. WTF?! RM120 for wrapping paper?? I'm so glad my friend had enough sense to walk out of the shop.

But I do love V-Day too ...

It's still significant to me but not in the way it was before. There's no more dreadful anticipation about "he likes me, he likes me not" because 7 years ago, I found out that he really does like me when I got my first meaningful V-Day gift. A gift that has lasted those 7 years although it's looking quite aged now.

And these days, the little twinges of jealousy are not about other girls getting bouquets. It's about other girls being able to go for V-Day dinners with their other halfs and spend time with them - in person! Yes, for a person who has the guy and the ring, I lack one thing - a date. But I know what would make me feel better and not S.A.D (ehemmm *hint* HINT*!!), a nice bouquet of flowers ;)



niMMan said...
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Anonymous said...

am guessing the 7 yr old AGED gift is Ryan the Bunny? :D


Pink Scalers said...

yes =p who badly needs a wash! that, or anti aging cream;) -Anya-