Monday 22 March 2010


I was 15 years old. It was 14th February 1997, when I received my first rose (it was a single red rose, just like the way I like it) It was delivered when I wasn't around in class. When I returned to my desk n saw the rose, I quickly raised it up and ask whose flower is this? without having a slightest hope or clue that, it could actually be mine.. I guess I was less perasan those days.. hehe.. n yeah, the whole class ended up laughing at me. Then I saw the small card attached with my name on it. Needless to say, I was extremely surprised. Shocked actually. I was this nerdy gal in school, with huge glasses, long skirt, prefect, u get the picture..

Anyway, the sweet surprise came from a guy named N, whom I have never spoken to, had no clue of his existence until that day. My classmates did the huge favor in describing him to me in every tiny detail possible.. Then I started noticing him.. Then it made sense, why he prefers to spend his recess breaks at a really hot spot near one of my school building. I performed by prefect duties there, every day during recess.

We had more eye contacts since then.. But we never spoke a word..

Then our glory days started.. I started ruling the school politically.. I started climbing up the prefectorial ladder while he was forming a few gangs of his own.. Ppl were scared of him and me for very different reasons..

The final year of our high school was the climax.. He was getting too out of control, and I (together with the authorities of cos) decided to expel him from school... I actually initiated the whole thing... Felt really guilty when I bumped into him months after during the final exams.. (yes, thank god! he was allowed to at least sit for the final examinations, SPM)

Lot of times I have felt really guilty for doing that to him.. I took his final year of school away (we all know, that's our best memory).. I took his right from studying like any normal student.. I have wondered many times how did he score for his exams..

13 years have passed.. pheew.. n yesterday, he added me on facebook.. I was stoned for a min when I saw the add request... n today, he send me a msg.. a very sweet one asking how I am...

I cant help but to feel even more guiltier now.. looks like there are some nice guys around..



Anonymous said...

And she finally realizes...Men are not too bad after all ;)

Lilo said...

When I was just starting to believe that, another "men" told me,
"hey, you better be careful with him.. I think he's planning on a revenge"

haha.. they never fail to amuse me..

Lilo said...

I guess I'm the living proof of 'opposites attract' theory..

So self claimed real man, I am trying.. but no one is helping..

Anonymous said...

So tell me my dear Lilo,what help do you need to overcome this "men are all the same" syndrome of yours

Lilo said...

Well my dear anon, I just need to see it to believe it..

Is that too much to ask for? :(

Anonymous said...

Of course not.What is it that you would like us gentleman to prove to you..

Lilo said...

rule #1 : you gotta do it, without me having to tell you what to do