Tuesday 3 June 2014

Life updates..

I've been neglecting the blog way too long. I apologize. I have been wanting to write a update of my life for sometime, and now seems like the best time.

Honestly, nothing has changed. Life still sucks. It's still hard. Getting through a day not crying seems like a big achievement now. Still going through the same "single-thirtysomething-indiangirl" problem. Maybe at full swing now.

Work is ok, but all the people I called friends left. My nicest boss left. So I'm kinda fighting the battle with the Chinese all by myself. Definitely not fun. At least pays my bills. And then there's the wanting to move, but don't know what to do problem.

On the men side, I still hold my ground. They may come in fifty shades; but they are all the same shitty grey. Enough said.

Hope everyone else is having a good life. Till next time.


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