Saturday, 15 March 2008

Every girl has a b*t*h in her life

I tried to understand what Margie was talking about when she said there’s one girl in her office that really gets on her nerves. I mean, yeah, people get on our nerves all the time don’t they - that car that refuses to give way or cuts queue, that customer service person who thinks you’re a moron or that person right in front of you at the cashier who forgot to weigh and put a price tag on his carrots.

It wasn’t until I encountered a girl like that in my office that I finally understood what Margie was talking about. I was new to this office and this girl seemed nice and sweet - but the thing was, I often found I was struggling to match her niceness. Anyway, I just brushed off the feeling, thinking that I was being anti-social or something. It wasn’t long, however, before her true colours showed. She was the goody-two-shoes that played dirty. There’s no need for me to go into details, but it’s enough to say that her sweet act is just that - an act. It’s an act that totally fooled my immediate superior into thinking that she’s an angel but the rest of us mortals knew her to be a b*t*h. But the funny thing about girls is, we might hate the sight of each other, but an outsider watching us chatting would never know. If we bumped into each other in the washroom, we might appear to be really good friends, talking and laughing, but right after that we’ll go to our own group of real friends and b*t*h about the b*t*h.

I realized that this was not just confined to the office or adult life. I’ve had at least one encounter with girls like this since I started attending kindergarden. There was this rich little girl in kindergarden that bragged about her new purse- one day the purse mysteriously disappeared. There was another girl in school that lied through her teeth about everything - even after the truth was revealed, she insisted her lie was the truth. All these girls had plenty of things in common - they were all quite pretty, geniuses at sucking-up to authority, appeared to be models of obedience, seemed to care about you but all they cared about was themselves and they were all my ‘friends’ at one point or another.

I know I might sound like a fake or ‘plastic’ but I’m not an exception. I think it’s safe to say, every girl has a b*t*h in her life. It may be even that, I’m a b*t*h to someone else. Guys will never understand the relationship dynamics between girls. If a guy hates another guy (or girl),he’ll end the friendship. Well, here’s another thing to add to that list of ways how guys and girls differ - guys ditch, girls b*t*h. Deal with it.

By : Anya


Pink Scalers said...

so true =)


Pink Scalers said...

great post. well summed up..