I think this blog is becoming rather sad.. lots of mourning.. lols… Well, im feeling happy today.. n im itching to write.. but I just don’t know what to..
So I’m just gonna publish some gossips.. Remember, the C gals that we used to hate? Until today, I don’t know why we were like enemies actually. Btw, for this blog they gonna be known as ‘The Others’ (*Just like in Lost*). Being a more matured person I am now, I think it’s us who were being mengada. I still remember the day P coming to our house to borrow some saree or something.
Anyway, d gossip is, remember our Mr Vain (*topless & white boxers*) and his gf, the ping pong gal? : ) She has changed her status recently to “Its complicated” and she has removed many of their together gether pics :p hahaha.. tats y ppl say, don’t over do with you’re my baby, my world n crap in frenster :p im being so mean…
N one more news is, P who shares the same name as our ex housemate, has got this absolutely gorgeous tattoo.. im so jealous! She has got guts! Honestly, its beautiful..

see, im not so mean after all : ) but then, she has got this real ugly tongkang bf.. n I remember hearing recently she’s getting married.. I hope not to tis fella though…
hahaha.. lols..
By: 'lilo
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