I’m sure we’ve all received this picture before – the difference between how men and women shop. And we’ve all giggled, identified with it and sent it to the friends on our address book so they can have a bit of fun too.
I’ll be the first to admit that being a girl, shopping is fun, especially when I’m with my girl-pals or depressed – nothing like a brand new item of clothing and Starbucks afterwards to make everything seem right again. :) In fact, some people are convinced that girls are born with a shopping gene. I’m one of those people who can go into every shop in One Utama or Midvalley and only buy one item or something else that I totally didn’t plan to buy. Like when I go to buy a pair of jeans; I think I try on every pair they have to offer and decide nothing fits just right and end up buying a pair of sandals to make me feel my shopping trip wasn’t a waste.
Well guess what? There’s more to shopping that meets the eye! Did you know that women have 12 body types? Yes, that’s right, 12! – Apple, Hour Glass, Skittle, Vase, Cornet, Lollipop, Column, Bell, Goblet, Cello, Pear and Brick. Is it any wonder that women find it so hard to get a pair of jeans that gives the perfect fit? I bet you jeans are made to fit body type Skinny, perfectly (if you noticed, it doesn’t exist). Guys on the other hand have it so easy. They’re either Athletic, Fat, Thin, Tall or Short.
So we keep trying to get that perfect top or that perfect jeans. Most of the time, we wouldn’t get it right the first time, so we try again – a different brand, a different shopping mall and maybe even in a different country. We may have a cupboard full of clothes and claim to have nothing to wear. But don’t worry, we’ll keep on trying till we find the perfect fit … and then we’ll stop (I hope). ;)
By : Anya
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