Monday, 24 March 2008

The Internet..

One of my friend came upon some show on sex,love, relationship and marriages and has been so hooked on it since. So she has started doing more and more research on it, in having fears of her relationship might not work too. And of course she has opt for the best research tool over, The Internet.

One would be truly amazed with the things we can find over The Internet. I just did some discovery myself recently when I searched for more details on brain injury. I was amazed to find out so many websites dedicated to care givers of brain injury patients. And to my amazement there was even a few websites dedicated to the sisters of a brain injury patient. And name the rest, mothers, fathers, relatives, everything is there. At that point of time, I truly felt so relieved that I am obviously not alone and there's so many people who's going through what I am going through. I was so thankful to The Internet and I even recommended it to my friend.

But today, I am changing my perception of The Internet. As mentioned earlier, my friend who has been researching about relationships has been finding so many articles about what are the major causes of divorces, break ups, true stories of people who have went through similar problems. She, who is currently not having any problems in her relationship, is freaking out in the thoughts that her relationship or marriage will never last. And thanks to The Internet, she now thinks its perfectly normal and she's preparing herself to take things more practically.

That made me think and realize, Internet is not really the place for happy people. When someone is happy, they don't sit and write about it. They are so happy with their life that they care less to announce it to the world. Only when people are sad, or when they have a problem, they tend to look for alternatives, such as The Internet. Then, they sit and write and blog about it hoping to find someone else who's going through the same shit, to make them feel normal, to comfort themselves that they are not alone. (I take myself as one of the best example, when I have something to complain about, I cant wait to blog about it) So all the millions of articles, although true, might only show the bad or negative part of an issue rather than the good ones. Hence, they produce some miserables souls, as my friend, who is in attempt to spoil a good relationship in fear of her future.

I don't know what I am trying to prove here. Maybe, don't rely on anything or anyone to make you happy. You should rely on your self and yourself only!

By: 'lilo

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