Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Coincidence? Sign?

This morning, I was comforting and motivating myself while driving to work. And the weirdest of all things happened. Seriously; when I looked at my watch, all the numbers started falling off. I am not making it up, and it really happened. I have my numberless watch as proof. And it happened the exact time I turned to look at it cos the clock stop moving and the time was exactly what my car clock showed. I don’t know why would such a weird thing happen to me? Is it a pure coincidence or Is it a sign? But of what?

By: 'lilo

P/S: note, the 3, 6, 9 & 12 places are empty and there's one number hanging on the pin

1 comment:

Pink Scalers said...

Freaky! Picture please - Anya