We were talking about how some guys are sweeter to their Gfs and all and how some are just plain ignorant or maybe the 'don't give a rat A**' kind of type. Not that there is anything wrong with the latter. That's just how they are.. But being girls, i know for a fact that every girl somehow rather would love to have the former category for herself (agree?)
So anyway this guy, he said:
That is true to a certain extent i think.. :)
Think about it.. some guys are more 'soft' than the others.. and some are well 'soft' but refuse to show the world that side of them and in fact appear and force themselves to appear more macho than the rest of the pack.. Why i say that? Well aren't we familiar with those manly men that still go back to their mommys when something out of the ordinary happens or those that only cry to their partners or mommys...
Not that there is anything wrong in those actions too...
So anyway, you know how people always say "Behind every successful men, there is a woman"?
Now what i would like to say is, "Behind every man's rough exterior, there is a woman hiding"..*LOL*
hehe.. well it's guys like this that make us believe in real life love stories ;) - Anya
"Behind every man's rough exterior, there is a woman hiding"
anyone know how to bring the women out? im having a tough time! aaargh!!
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