Does this thing work? Well I doubt it. But I still feel like banging my head somewhere or, more satisfying will be to stab at a sponge or polystrene until there's nothing left.
Why the drama you might ask? Well here goes :
1. I've been working my ass off for people i.e project managers and customers who can't decide what they want
2. My boss saw me working late today and had to gall to ask if I'm hoping to receive some kind of award for it. I told him I wouldn't mind actually, if he was handing out awards :P
3. Received an SMS from my mother that the TV cable had somehow disconnected.
4. Received another SMS enlightening me that the TV cable is useless.
5. Yet another SMS that she's very angry at the TV cable.
6. All while I'm trying to make sense of three contradicting network diagrams for supposedly the same network.
7. Shit, I don't understand the new software feature the customer bought and expects me to design.
8. Oh, what was that? I'm supposed to give a presentation to them on how all the stuff they bought will magically turn into a fully functioning mobile network. Very nice.
9. My hair refused to be tamed today and was a curly mess. Two people asked what I did with it.
10. I had to miss my gym because I had to come home to make sure my mother doesn't start throwing things at the TV.
11. Only to discover that the cable had broke and was irrepairable.
12. Now we're hunting for the warranty card (I hope there is one).
13. So no TV tonight - had to miss ANTM :(
14. Mother made a face that possitively screamed "I'm all alone, I have to do everything by myself" when I said I can't be back before 6 tomorrow to send the computer for repair.
15. So now the computer is in my car.
16. No TV, finished the book I was reading - so I'm online again.
17. Pathetically venting out my frustrations to myself.
18. And I have a painful tight knot in my chest.
19. It's been there on and off for a month.
20. I know what it is and why it's there.
Should I hope tomorrow will be a better day? I don't know. So far 2008 has been very disappointing, what difference is another day going to make?
Not in a good mood : Anya
cheer up moody cow.. jz repeat this mantra in ur head "sun, sea, sand, surfers".. and b4 u know it, u'll be there (as in u knw where) *winks
- Margie
Sun,sea,surfers and angry customers ;) - Anya
cheer up dearie!! moving into parents already taking a toll on u..
but dun worry, as bad as the customers gonna be, im sure honduras will do some good to u..
It's a good thing I have u gals ard to keep me sane :D - Anya
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