And today i decided to be mean and B*tch :D
Topic of the day: The DON'Ts in Friendster
1. Do not add every other person on the planet earth just coz you wanna have a BIG list of "friends".
Unless you're mega popular (which in some cases, it's genuine), don't expect anyone to take your 500 'friends' seriously as YOUR friends. :P
2. Do not write "I do not add/accept random or unknown people in my list.. or the equivalent" in the Who I Want To Meet column; when CLEARLY you fail to practice it.
Reason: I once did an experiment and had a dummy account in Friendster and added a few 'selected' people in my list. Some were for personal reasons and some were just purely for fun spying purposes. And lo and behold, the ones that said "pls don't bother to add me if i dunno u" actually added me! HAHAHAHA...
FYI, i put a generic Punjabi name for my account and a fake d.o.b, fake location.. in short, fake everything! oh yeah, & i also did another cardinal sin of putting a celeb face as my profile pic. And yet.... people added me.. Jeez!
3. Do not post pictures of celebrities as your profile picture! Do you know there is something called the Copyrights Act?!!
I mean really, if you think you look as good/similiar as Ash Rai or Jessica Alba, do you really think you need to 'hide' yourself?
Note: Our beloved Bodoh Binti Ajaib has ALWAYS had an Ash Rai for her profile pic on Friendster for years! Last i heard, she 'accidently' deleted her Frienster account.. And yesterday, a lil birdie told me she has moved on to bigger & better things such as (gasp!) FaceBook.. Coz apparently Friendster's too low class for her.. Right.. (yawn!)
4. Do not have self-pictures lookin like a wannabe future modesl for Maxim, FHM or Playboy.
While at first i found it weird to have vain shots of yourself, now i think its perfectly normal.. I guess that is one way to 'bring' out yourself and have self-confidence. Heck, i have my fair share of silly vain shots too..
But again, with every good things, comes a limit.. And this case i mean limit as in:
Pictures say a thousand words, they say :) The last time i checked, Friendster was a social networking ground not P*rn wannabe stars breeding ground. Ahaks!
5. Do NOT put food picture on your friendster when it doesn't mean anything..
Like, the 1st time you ate at Chillies or Tony Roma's.. You ate a chicken chop dish.. SO??!!
*laugh your hearts out with the equally 'imaginative' captions..
On the other hand, it is OKAY to put picture of food/dishes if and only if:
a) its exotic food
b) you're overseas and the food is different
c) you ate cockroaches or something out of the ordinary (ala FearFactor)
d) a normal generic food dish, but you made it (yay, that counts for something)
e) a normal generic food dish, but you have a funny caption for it
6. Do not pose with pictures in the classic 80's pose such as these:
what is the user trying to tell us here? a) there is nothing interesing in the background if that's what she was trying to convey b) she is sitting at a dining table c) she is trying to say, this is how i sit? or d) hey look, i love taking pictures with no reason esp before i have my meal :P
7. Do not have stupid, meaningless names such as "Bad Boy", "Angel", "Sweetheart", etc...
Let's not forget that Friendster is a social networking ground and a place to meet and re-connect with FRIENDS.
Seriously, will having names such as Bad Boy get you anywhere? Might as well change your IC if you like that name so much :P
I know there a lot more of Friendster bloopers out there but i'm so tired of typing and 'researching' and need to get my arse to work now...
Clause (to protect my own arse here):
The owners of the case studies featured will not be revealed due to obvious reasons. No names has been mentioned and no indication of their names/profiles has been posted to protect their privacy. Also, as an added measure to protect their identity, faces of the case studies are not shown.
Peace Out!
- Margie the B*tch :D
hahaha.. this is so cool..
Margie, u're the best ! - Anya
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