Margie needs a new cell... coz she hates her current K618i Sony Ericsson (sorry Anya!) :P
Anyway, after weeks of pondering (half-heartedly) on deciding the brand for the phone (it was a toss between Nokia or Samsung), she decided on Nokia based on:
1. The HIGH and POPULAR availability of these phones in the market
2. The easy support pre and post sales
3. Price factor (when functions are added in)
4. Ease of downloading themes, wallpaper etc.
Margie still and will always hold dear affection for Motorola phones but at this point, she needs a thingmajiggy that is envylicious + loaded with functions :D
So at first she was overwhelmed with the many models that Nokia.Com.MY has to offer (it can be mind boggling as some of the models featured, she haven't even heard of, let alone seen!) -->ok, pardon the ignorance, but how many of you have heard of this phone called Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition, 8800 Luna, 8800 Carbon Arte, Nokia 7510 Supernova..anyone?
Anyway, once she was done gaping at the mouthful of choices, she saw the neat feature that the site had.. you just pick and choose what functions you want, the design etc.. and it will narrow down the choices for you.. smart eh? -->ok, so it's not rocket science but i seriously haven't surfed any phone sites in a LOOOONG time.. the last i surfed was a Moto site like last year :P and the last time i bought my 6260 Nokia was just after 1 day surfing and with no research what-so-ever.. I loved that phone but it dropped too many times and one day it just went into coma.period.
Ok, so her final pick are either:
1. Nokia E66 - RM 1,995 (sob, sob..too pricey for me) :(
2. Nokia 6600 Slide - RM 1,409
3. Nokia 6600 Fold - RM 1,619 -->i prefer this than the slide but the features in the slide are MORE plus, the price is cheaper too...

Anyway, after weeks of pondering (half-heartedly) on deciding the brand for the phone (it was a toss between Nokia or Samsung), she decided on Nokia based on:
1. The HIGH and POPULAR availability of these phones in the market
2. The easy support pre and post sales
3. Price factor (when functions are added in)
4. Ease of downloading themes, wallpaper etc.
Margie still and will always hold dear affection for Motorola phones but at this point, she needs a thingmajiggy that is envylicious + loaded with functions :D
So at first she was overwhelmed with the many models that Nokia.Com.MY has to offer (it can be mind boggling as some of the models featured, she haven't even heard of, let alone seen!) -->ok, pardon the ignorance, but how many of you have heard of this phone called Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition, 8800 Luna, 8800 Carbon Arte, Nokia 7510 Supernova..anyone?
Anyway, once she was done gaping at the mouthful of choices, she saw the neat feature that the site had.. you just pick and choose what functions you want, the design etc.. and it will narrow down the choices for you.. smart eh? -->ok, so it's not rocket science but i seriously haven't surfed any phone sites in a LOOOONG time.. the last i surfed was a Moto site like last year :P and the last time i bought my 6260 Nokia was just after 1 day surfing and with no research what-so-ever.. I loved that phone but it dropped too many times and one day it just went into coma.period.
Ok, so her final pick are either:
1. Nokia E66 - RM 1,995 (sob, sob..too pricey for me) :(

2. Nokia 6600 Slide - RM 1,409
3. Nokia 6600 Fold - RM 1,619 -->i prefer this than the slide but the features in the slide are MORE plus, the price is cheaper too...

Next thing to do now is to surf up forums/blogs to know the +/- factors of each...
The comparation chart in the Nokia site does help a lot in terms of each specs etc.. but nothing beats the reviews from the end users itself :P
I like d Nokia 6600 slide ;)
n tat was lilo :p
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