Stuck at bumper to bumper crawl today morning for nearly 2 hours is so NOT funny esp on MONDAY!!!!
All for what??
For an accident that happens miles away and (get this!) on the OPPOSITE road direction!!!!!! Which has NOTHING to do with the road that is
But alas, this happens ever so often till even the traffic reporters in the radio always say "stop slowing down to look people!!"
Margie thinks this is what she would do if she ever becomes the minister in Road ministry:
1. Hike up fuel price - and no, i can't care less if people can afford or can't.. most she sees driving to work are single occupants (so NOT environment friendly!!).. Less cars on the road, less traffic for Margie.. Hmph!
2. Show gruesome accident aftermath pictures on national tv, cable tv every single day at least once on peak airtime. - Malaysia is highest in road fatalities in Asia Pac (won't be surprised if 1st in the world too :P)
p/s: me thinks this way, with DAILY reminders of how one looks like after an accident (if lucky enough to be alive, that is), more Malaysians will start being cautious and courteous on the road.
Check this out:
ok, so i know its outdated.. but think bout it, if that was for year 96, imagine now.. and we ALL know that accident rates in M'sia increases not decreases.
3. When accidents DO occur (despite step 1 &2 above), have the policemen YELL at every freaking slowing down motorist to GET MOVING & direct traffic...
OR if that doesn't work, have a BIG makeshift-mobile-projector screen put up depicting the accident scene so that the all important BUSY BODIES can SEE to their hearts content from miles away.
4. For every motorist that actually stops his car & parks at the emergency lane to go to the accident scene to 'get a better look and feel of the situation, without contributing much help anyways', have the policemen issue summons on them.
OR in my situation, i usually glare at them and honk with all contempt at these 'busybody- nobodies'.
5. Ban all heavy vehicles from using ANY road during rush hour traffic!!
Last but not least and which is the easiset and most sensible to apply is to HAVE A FREAKING DEPENDABLE, RELIABLE public transportation system. But of course, our government is run by a legion of u-know-whats to even care about any of this.
-Margie in Black Monday Mood :@
U never fail to make me laugh! Luv ya gal :) - Anya
margie oh margie... i understand ur frustration and would love the onlookers to be summoned n ur every other idea.. but definitely NOT for fuel price hike my dear! not everyone of us have a sister working at the same place, ok? ;) hehehehe...
know what lilo, i was bracin myself for ur comment when i wrote step 1. hehehe.. i anticipated that..haha.. but i did notice a drop in traffic when the fuel was up u know.. sighhhhhhhh
haha, im glad u did :) well, yeah.. definitely there was a drop in traffic la.. but imagine all those ppl who had to go through their daily life in our fucked up public transport :p n think of ppl like me, who had to bear with the hole in pocket getting bigger ;p so lets not burn down the house for one mosquito dear ;)
So Margie, despite u being my best friend, I will not vote for u if u happen to be nominated to become the Road Minister :p :p
okk not so very anon, y'all (the both of u) know who it is! If M ever became any sort of minister.... only the words doomsday, amrageddon and apocalypse sound ever so sweeter!!!! :D
Winnie, "superman"? seriously? hahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaha
nway, dont u or lilo worry... i ain't gonna go in2 politics :)
i'll jz settle as minister's wife then :D
-future minister's wife, M
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