Friday, 14 February 2014

Three years today..

Today is Valentines day!
  Scratch that.

Today, three years ago, is the day I started my journey with company H.

The past three years have been a hell of a ride. I have gone through many challenges physically and emotionally.

But here I am today, started the day looking lost just like how I did three years ago ;)
(and you would think things change! somethings just don't :p)

Past three years have taken me places, thought me valuable lessons and made me a
bitchier   better person! (or so I hope...)

In the last three years, I have traveled at least 16 countries, more than 20 major cities, more than 30 international airports for transits and have delivered more than 40 trainings successfully.

I may not be able to afford all the handbags in the world (yet!), nor retire anytime soon; but I am grateful for where I am today.

I speak a lot of bull and shit now. But no, I still don't speak Chinese. That alone calls for a victory dance! xx



Anonymous said...

Thats a shame..Would have expected you to be fluent in Chinese now! Not really an opportunist are you..

Lilo said...

tui tui tui :p