Thursday, 24 October 2013

Anticipating the day.

I know I tend to over react sometimes.. or maybe all the time.. Like just now during dinner, we happen to be discussing birthdays n making plans.. and I casually opened the calendar on my phone to check what day my birthday falls next year.. I saw a tiny icon with a notification on that day and clicked open..

Without realizing, I gave a loud gasp and dropped my phone to the floor with a loud bang with my eyes popped open..

My friends freaked. The waiters asked if we were ok.


Couldn't help it. It freaking said, "Lilo's 32nd birthday!"
(I just went ohmaigod as I'm typing this)

Can you believe it??

Ok, never mind. You don't get it.

But true story.



Anonymous said...

You put your own bday in your calendar? Are you scared you might forget it?

Lilo said...

If you have a "smart" phone, you will realize how "dumb" your question is ;)