Wednesday, 27 February 2013


If there's one good thing that I've gained from my current working place, it has to be the people I work with.. One thing I find very interesting, something I've never really experience before is that, people here are some what so generous..

There's always someone giving something out.. To anyone and everyone, for no particular reason.. My desk is full of all kind of things that sometimes I don't even know who I get it from..

There's always someone buying coffee, picking up the bill on the lunch table.. And this are not just few bucks that you can close an eye on.. And this ppl are also not the kind of bosses who picks up the bill to impress the staff and claim it from the company.. And they are also not the ass kissers or simply sucking up since none of us bring any good to one another in terms of work..

I've noticed this for quite sometime, and today out of the blue, one colleague decided to buy us lunch.. So I just casually asked her, why is she paying, is she happy or celebrating something.. And she said, "I was out shopping yesterday looking for something, and I wasn't able to find what I wanted.. I think it's because I don't give enough that I don't receive".

She actually said it very casually, but I found it very deep.. "I don't give enough, thus I don't receive".. Interesting!


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