In case the world decides to crush all my hopes and not end this year..
Can I already make my wish list for next year?
I want:
1. Samsung Galaxy S3 or S4, whichever is the latest at that time
2. iPad Mini
3. new watch
4. new handbag(s)
5. new wardrobe
6. more shoes
7. new job
8. new bf
9. new mother
10. Please end next year?
Thank you very much.
Why do you want to end something which hasn't even started...Loco ;)
We, the Pink Scalers are three good friends currently going through quarter (or maybe mid) life crisis in our own weird way. This blog is where we secretly ramble, grumble, whine and gloat. We are just a bunch of crazy friends in love with each other! Bloggers: Anya, Nemo and Lilo!
Why do you want to end something which hasn't even started...Loco ;)
I'm Lilo :p
Obviously a dyslexic one
Why am I dyslexic now?
Cause you cant differentiate loco and lilo..Or is it just the bleary eyes ;)
eIt's called being witty, you doink!
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