Tuesday, 17 July 2012

This afternoon..

While I was buying bananas from a stall at the local pasar, I overheard this conversation from the stall next door..

boy: Makcik, beli kuih?
another boy: Ya..ada donut..ada karipap..
 mum: Itu bukan Makcik la...
boy: Habis?
mum: Itu Kakak
another boy: Bukan Aunty ke?
grandma: Bukan Makcik..bukan Aunty..bukan Kakak...itu Miss

I turn my head to see this family having this very serious discussion among themselves and the grandma staring at me with a toothless smile.

That entire conversation what about how to address me.

Face palm!



Lilo said...

LOL! So funny.. So did u buy kuih or not? :p

N.e.m.o said...

LOL feel flattered coz u still look like anak dara (miss) yo!

Anya said...

Obviously I didn't buy...he called me Makcik!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the official title once you become a mom? Makcik ;)

Anya said...

Thanks a lot anon :p And all this while I had the impression that u were a gentleman...

Anonymous said...

I am. A gentleman is always polite to an aunty ;)

Anya said...

ppffftttt :P