Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Life lessons!

One of the big lessons I've learnt recently is to keep my bloody big mouth shut. All the time. No matter what.

I was going through a real sad phase, and I ended up sharing my problems with some people whom I considered to be my friends..

Although the phase hasn't over, I have given up being sad. But it turns out, these friends only like me when I'm sad.. It's like they need me to entertain their life with my sad stories.. They find my life to be very amusing, that annoys me! Like I belong to some kind of a museum..

Even tough the morons will not be reading this, just ffs, when I'm busy and I haven't had time for u, it means I'm having a life!! If I'm quiet and not entertaining you, it's because I'm sick of you! I'm not smiling to hide my sorrows, I'm smiling because I'm happy!

Get that, dumbos!



Left/Right said...

Oh that is sad.. When I first saw your post I thought that I would give you a quote that always amuses me:

"Lord help me to keep my big mouth shut, until I have the wisdom to know what I'm talking about"

But I think this would be more appropriate:

"The only thing worse than been talked about is not being talked about"

Chin up lovely! F**k 'em!!

Lilo said...

Haha, good one! Thank you dear!

And nice blog you have! :)