So i turned 27 on Monday...without much fanfare i might add. I secretly used to look forward for my birthday every year except last year and this year.. I guess nearing 30 is no fun at all :P
Not with the big M being cropped up in conversations/warnings/death threats (kidding) every now and then.
Not with the new lines/wrinkles you spot and freak out upon.
Not with the growing number of grey/white hair making cameo appearance.
Nope, not fun at all :)
Anyway, on my birthday eve, all i wanted to do was sleep in early as i'm getting older and can't quite stay up like i used to.. no wait.. i never was the kind to be able to stay up even from uni days.. tehe
But this guy who recently i met 2 months ago, insisted i keep talking to him till midnite (i guess he really wanted to be the first to wish me and all) :P by 11.20pm, i called it quits and said "i really, really need to catch some sleep". I did feel bad for the poor fella but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to keep dark circles at bay. (kidding)
Woke up Monday morning to prepare for the all dreaded Monday blues, when my mum barged in the room to announce someone close to us passing away.. Major blow.. Shaken i was and sad too. Went to the bathroom and kept crying.
Till today, i can't quite believe the person is really gone... :( So the rest of the day was a daze of activities surrounding the funeral etc. Took emergency leave but did some office work from home and by 9pm on my birthday night, i decided to go to bed.
And then i got frantic office calls and turns out my service went down. Forced myself to log on and did firefighting till 1 am. And i remember looking at the clock when it was crossing 12 am mark and saying "so much for birthday.. will never forget what turning 27 is like :P".
Heading back to office the next day, a few colleagues wished me. I felt odd somewhat. Still in mourning i didn't even login to my Facebook account to check on the messages.
Yesterday, i finally logged in and saw all the wallposts. 3 pages long. It's the greetings from those far away that really touched my heart. I must say it did brighten up my mood a bit.
And then a colleague treated me for lunch for my birthday.
Last night i finally went out with this guy (lets call him Shortie) as i have stood him up a couple of times. I was surprised he gave me a gift all neatly wrapped up. It wasn't a cheap/funny gift either. Hmmm...
*short detour here: when a guy who is a FRIEND (strictly) gives you a gift even though i didn't for his birthday, what does that mean? :P But let's discuss that some other day. Men, i don't quite get them either.
Anyhow, so that is my story on turning 27...
1 comment:
Hey, I'm so bad, but I'm just reading this... I must have missed this when I was in Hanoi.. Sowie ;)
but anyway, what did shortie give u la?? *curious, curious* how come u never tell me want!! :p
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