So yeah, I spent nearly two hours updating my used-to-be lame resume with all the greatest self praise lies and some bombastic words that I don't even know the meaning :p must say, it looked quite impressive though at the end..
So today, I excitedly logged into my account to see, what oppurtunities has landed my way, and guess what????

among the top 3 matches are, for me to become a house maid and boom truck driver!!!!
What kind of resume did you put up dear???
i'm wondering too now... sigh....
hahahahahaa... u made my day! ;) -Anya-
i think you'll make a really hot au pair...
im hot with or without being an au pair ;)
Blowing your own trumpet are you...why dont u send me a pic and i shall be the judge of that ;)
Let's not forget something called confidence ;)
I'm on for the challenge.. what about you?
Well im man enough for any challenge but im not the one claiming to be hot here..not denying it though ;)
Ah ha.. Where shall I send my picture to then? :)
Quite a bold one,arent u,sending your pic to a total stranger.Arent u afraid what i might end up doing with it..The wonders of photoshop ;)
What you end up doing with it, is the least of my concern.. you can't improve on perfection, anyway! ;)
Perfection u reckon? Well,they say nobody is perfect..But in your case,im sure we can make an exemption ;)
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