p.s. I'm totally overlooking the pinkness because I know, me walking around with a pink diary makes you gals happy ;p
For a disorganized person like me, my pink planner is heaven sent! But what I enjoy most is writing down personal notes to myself like how I'm looking forward to going to the wedding expo with my fiance or that I think a photographer is screwing around about the price. And maybe one day I'll drive my kids crazy everytime I pull out my planner out of a dusty box from under the bed to tell them the story about how mum and dad got married ;)
aaawww... cho cweeeet ;)
Lilo's idea and she chose the gift. hehe..
Nice post :)
But you all agreed on the colour ;)
color was an obvious option la dear... given black n pink, of cos you = PINK! hahaha...
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