And Blood Donors....

But, call me a katak di bawah tempurung if you will, but I've never heard of Egg Donors till today. And no, I'm not referring to chicken eggs or fish eggs. I'm talking about our eggs ladies.

And of all places, I learnt about it on Facebook. There was an advert that said Spare Your Eggs and that caught my eye. Although I don't think it's as easy as 'doing it' into a plastic cup, (Guys have it so easy, and yet they complain!), I still find it amazing that science has found a way to harvest something smaller than the full stop at the end of this sentence.
But, hmmm..... I wonder if they have the technology to do this kind of thing in M'sia? I can only imagine what a conversation about donating eggs will sound like in UH..
Girl: Saya nak derma telur saya
Nurse: Huh?! Awak nak derma telor??!!
I only comment on Lilo's, but YEAH, egg donations in the US are huge business. Check this out:
Wow, that's a lot of $$$ for something so tiny! Thanks Lilo's Anonymous Friend! -Anya-
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