One rainy day, a mother went to pick up her girl from school, thinking that the girl will fear the lightening. On the way, she found her child smiling at the sky for every lightening. She asked her why she smiled. The little girl said “God is taking my photo, so I have to look good. That’s why I smiled.” So smile when problems threaten you and don’t fear anything for God is always with you.
Whoever who thought that was “aaaw, so sweet” please do not continue reading. Cause all I had to say was WTF??! Seriously..
I received a text message on that this morning. (I’m sure my friends would have got it too, coming from another annoying friend :p) I’m just so sick of all these quotes and books on being positive, good and shit. What is life if you don’t fear about something? What is life if you have to avoid all problems?
Fear the fear! And move on.. Face the problem! And move on.. Don’t fucking avoid it..
For god’s sake, stop living in D.E.N.I.A.L!
By: 'lilo
Hear! Hear! Hail the pessimists! I'm sick of all those cheesy keep-smiling-and-life-is-great quotes and moitivation methods too. If life gives you lemons, don't try and bother making lemonade, just SUCK EM!!
hey patsy.. im so glad they are still people like me around ;) haha.. (now that makes me sound real old)
Hahah! Not at all, not at all. I'm so glad there are people like us around too. All my friends think I need psychiartic help because of my dark perspective on life. What do they know? I say "screw em!"
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